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Transgender life : People asking

Transgender people have a range of experiences with transitioning. Some may transition socially, legally, and medically, some may transition only socially, and some may not do any of these.

What happens when you become transgender?

Transitioning is the process of changing the way you look and how people see and treat you so that you become the gender you feel on the inside.

Transgender life : People asking
Transgender life : People asking

 Transitioning can means lots of different things. It can involve medical treatment and hormones. It can involve changing your name and preferred pronouns.

Can a woman transgender to a man?

Female-to-male surgery is a type of sex reassignment surgery, which is also called gender affirmation surgery or gender-affirming surgery. This can take different forms, including the removal of breasts — a mastectomy — and the altering of the genital region, known as “bottom” surgery.

Who are transgender biologically?

Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth. Some transgender people who desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another identify as transsexual.

How can I be a transgender?

For transgender and transsexual people, this process commonly involves reassignment therapy (which may include hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery), with their gender identity being opposite that of their birth-assigned sex and gender.

What causes transgenderism?

Transgender people have a gender identity that does not match their assigned sex, often resulting in gender dysphoria. The causes of transsexuality have been studied for decades. The most studied factors are biological, especially brain structure differences in relation to biology and sexual orientation.

Can a transgender be reversed?

Detransition (sometimes called retransition) is the process of halting or reverting a transgender identification or gender transition. Like transition, detransition is not a single event.

Can transgender change birth certificate?

Most states permit the name and sex to be changed on a birth certificate, either by amending the existing birth certificate or by issuing a new one, although some require medical proof of sex reassignment surgery to do so.

Can transgender compete in the Olympics?

Athletes who transitioned from female to male were allowed to compete without restriction. These guidelines were in effect for the 2016 Rio Olympics, although no openly transgender athletes competed.

Does the military pay for transgender surgery?

Military pays for one surgery

In November 2017, the Defense Health Agency for the first time approved payment for sex reassignment surgery for an active-duty U.S. military service member. The patient, an infantry soldier who identifies as a woman, had already begun a course of treatment for gender reassignment.

Do men really have it easier? These transgender guys found the truth was more complex.

Overwhelming majority of natural sex changes are from a female appearance at birth to a male appearance after puberty, due to either 5-alpha-reductase deficiency (5alpha-RD-2) or 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency (17beta-HSD-3). ... This causes male sex characteristics to appear early (or inappropriately).

What is transgender surgery?

Gender Confirmation Surgery

Also known as genital reconstruction surgery, this step typically includes several procedures performed at once. During a process called “penile inversion”, the penis is turned inside out to form the inner walls of the vagina. The head of the penis is then used to create a clitoris.

Which countries recognize a third gender?

In 2016, an Oregon circuit court ruled that Jamie Shupe could legally change gender to non-binary. Transgender people. Intersex people. Argentina. Austria. Australia. Belgium. Canada. Denmark.

Do men really have it easier? These transgender guys found the truth was more complex.

in the 1990s, the late Stanford neuroscientist Ben Barres transitioned from female to male. He was in his 40s, mid-career, and afterward he marveled at the stark changes in his professional life. Now that society saw him as male, his ideas were taken more seriously. 

He was able to complete a whole sentence without being interrupted by a man. A colleague who didn’t know he was transgender even praised his work as “much better than his sister’s.”

Clinics have reported an increase in people seeking medical gender transitions in recent years, and research suggests the number of people identifying as transgender has risen in the past decade.

 Touchstones such as Caitlyn Jenner’s transition, the bathroom controversy, and the Amazon series “Transparent” have also made the topic a bigger part of the political and cultural conversation.

But it is not always evident when someone has undergone a transition — especially if they have gone from female to male. 

“The transgender guys have a relatively straightforward process — we just simply add testosterone and watch their bodies shift,” said Joshua Safer, executive director at the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Mount Sinai Health System and Icahn School of Medicine in New York.

 “Within six months to a year they start to virilize — getting facial hair, a ruddier complexion, a change in body odor and a deepening of the voice.”

source : washingtonpost


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